Rams Hill Golf Club Local Rules

Standard USGA rules are followed when playing the Rams Hill Course, subject to the following local rules:

Red Penalty Areas, Out of Bounds (OB), and Lost Balls

  1. All bodies of water (creeks, ponds, and lakes) are considered RED penalty areas. If a red line is not present, the line defining the penalty area will be the edge of the grass abutting the high-water mark. As such, balls landing in these penalty areas can be played as they lie, or relief can be sought per the rules of a RED penalty area subject to a one stroke penalty; specifically:

    • You can return to the spot at which your last stroke was made

    • You can take relief per the back-on-the-line relief procedure (from where your ball crossed into the penalty area)

    • You can take lateral relief two club lengths from where your ball crossed into the penalty area

      Note: There are no drop areas on the Rams Hill Course.

  2. ALL developed private parcels (houses and their adjoining yards and/or fenced areas) are considered OB, whether marked with stakes or not. There are only three OB locations marked with white stakes on the Rams Hill Course:

    • The houses and yards to the right of Fairway #1

    • The houses and lots beyond the #2 Green

    • The houses, yards, and vacant lots to the left of Fairway #14

      Balls coming to rest OB can be replayed with stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing a new ball from where the previous stroke was made. Or you can drop a new ball two club- lengths from the nearest fairway edge (not closer to the hole) where the original ball went OB, subject to a two-stroke penalty. If you believe your ball may have come to rest OB, you are encouraged to hit a provisional ball from where the previous stroke was made.

  3. Lost balls, in an area other than a red penalty area, can be replayed with stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing a new ball from where the previous stroke was made. Or you can estimate the spot where your ball is lost, then find the nearest fairway edge that is not nearer the hole than the estimated spot. You can then drop a ball in the fairway within two club-lengths of that fairway edge point, subject to a two-stroke penalty. If you believe your ball may be lost, you are encouraged to hit a provisional ball from where the previous stroke was made.

Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions)

  1. In-ground and drip sprinkler heads (anywhere on the course including DG areas and penalty areas), in- ground and above ground sprinkler/utility boxes, cart paths, stakes and wires from staked trees, signage, and bollards are considered immovable obstructions. If these immovable obstructions interfere with your lie, stance, and/or swing, and you have a reasonable swing absent these obstructions, you can take free relief one club length (not nearer the hole) from your point of nearest complete relief.

  2. If a sprinkler head or in-ground box within two club-lengths of the putting green and two club-lengths of the ball interferes with the intended line of play, free relief may be taken at the nearest point that avoids the interference, and is not nearer the hole, and not in a penalty area or on the putting green.